Friday, August 14, 2009

Mom's aunt Neenah

Neenah Hutt Omohundro 

She was mom's aunt, namesake and more.  She always spoke so fondly of her aunt, she must have been very special to her.

Mom was also fond of her cousin, Lois Omohundro Ashton (who was aunt Neenah's granddaughter through her son, Joseph Vivian O).

This photo is "The 3 Neenahs" 

Effie's older sister,
daughter and niece 
(by way of Hallie).


  1. According to an record (U. S. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007), Lois Omohundro Ashton was the daughter of Floyd V. Omohundro and Carrie F. Ashton.

  2. I stand corrected, thank you. Her parents were Floyd Vernon Omohundro and Carrie Fitzhugh Ashton. Joseph Vivian was Vernon's brother, I confused the two. Thanks again.
