Friday, August 14, 2009

Children of Charles Warren Hutt & Betty Lee Broun Hutt

In this photo are 3 sisters, Neenah, Effie and Hallie.  Some may remember that Hallie and Neenah were 18 and 16 when their mother was expecting again.  (And one of them, Neenah?, left home in digust.)

Everyone in photo:
Neenah McClannahan Hutt Omohundro, Effie Roberta Hutt Felton and Hallie Harriet Hutt Marshall. With them are Josie Omohundro, Joseph Vivian Omohundro, and Neenah Marshall Garland.

1 comment:

  1. Could you please identify these people starting with Effie Roberta Hutt at the top, then working around the group in a clockwise manner? I am altogether confused as to their identities. Thank you for sharing these wonderful portraits of your ancestors.
