Friday, August 14, 2009

Family history

All of my life I have been curious about the past, as a small child asking my mother "Where did you live?", "Where is your house?" and many more.  On visits to my grandmothers farm, one of the first things I'd do was head for her trunk of treasures - old photographs.  Still I enjoy the search of family histories and learning more about the people who came before us.

"You might be.... "  
       genealogically-challenged   IF  
             you don't know your grandparents' names.  
Quickly!    Yep, I thought so. 
If you're stuck, you need to be here.  

1 comment:

  1. My name is Raymond Smith. I am the nephew of Kathleen and son or Virginia Smith. Please contact me when you are able. Thank you and God Bless. Hope all is well with you and yours.

    Raymond Smith
    Madison VA 540-948-5163
