Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Neenah Felton

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Neenah Felton

Is she a teenager in this portrait?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Neenah Felton

Mom liked this photo of herself.  I believe that she was wearing a very special coat, hat and muff for Sunday school. We both thought that it was the one picture in which I resembled her. 

Baby Neenah

Tilden, Effie and Aubrey Felton

Mother and son

Effie and Aubrey

Mother and child

Effie with baby Neenah

Effie, Neenah and Aubrey


Always liked this photo of Effie.

Tilden Felton

In this photo:  Tilden, mom, and Aunt Kathleen (uncle Aubrey's wife). This is how I remember granddad.  

In this photo:  Tilden and daughter, Neenah, with unknown folks. Check out mom's hat.  Is she a flapper?!  She's the bee's knees!  Notice the swing on the porch.  Mom use to recall how Effie enjoyed that glider/swing.

Tilden Felton

Mom and her dad with dog, Skip.  (I think that the dog had been banished from the house to the dredge.)  Notice granddad's pipe?  I remember him later enjoying cigars and, as a little girl, I loved the colorful bands he gave me to wear as rings. 

The Felton side

This photo of George Washington Felton and his sons was taken in 1921 in Baltimore. Standing (left to right) are: Charles, Albert, George, Lonnie, Grady.  Sitting: Hendrix, GWF, and Tilden.   

Besides 7 sons, George Washington Felton and his wife, Amelia Heath Felton, also had 3 daughters.  So was there ever a portrait of mom and the girls?  BTW, the girls were:  Lula (Sawyer), Alice (Fingleton), and Hettie (Hewitt)

Mom's aunt Neenah

Neenah Hutt Omohundro 

She was mom's aunt, namesake and more.  She always spoke so fondly of her aunt, she must have been very special to her.

Mom was also fond of her cousin, Lois Omohundro Ashton (who was aunt Neenah's granddaughter through her son, Joseph Vivian O).

This photo is "The 3 Neenahs" 

Effie's older sister,
daughter and niece 
(by way of Hallie).

Children of Charles Warren Hutt & Betty Lee Broun Hutt

In this photo are 3 sisters, Neenah, Effie and Hallie.  Some may remember that Hallie and Neenah were 18 and 16 when their mother was expecting again.  (And one of them, Neenah?, left home in digust.)

Everyone in photo:
Neenah McClannahan Hutt Omohundro, Effie Roberta Hutt Felton and Hallie Harriet Hutt Marshall. With them are Josie Omohundro, Joseph Vivian Omohundro, and Neenah Marshall Garland.

Charles Warren Hutt

CWH  (June 25, 1842 to Sept 4, 1906) was Effie's father and Neenah's grandfather. 

At the outbreak of the Civil War, he was a student at Lynchburg College.  On May 25, 1861, at the age of 19, he enlisted in the Confederate service as a private in Company "K" of the 40th Infantry, Va Volunteers, C.S.A.  He participated in many of the bloody battles of the  war until his capture on July 5, 1863 during the battle of Gettysburg.  He was sent to Point Lookout prison camp on Oct 26, 1863.  Although longing for release from the "hell hole" and aching to be reunited with his family just across the river in Westmoreland County, he repeatedly refused to take the Oath of Allegiance that would have secured his parole.  He was exchanged finally on Feb 13, 1865 and paroled on May 5, 1865.  His diary of 1864 is included in the book "Point Lookout Prison Camp for Confederates" by Edwin W. Beitzell.

After marrying, he was Registrar at Warrenville, Va, Commissioner of Revenue, and first Postmaster of Neenah, which he named for his daughter.  

Grandma Betty Lee Hutt

Neenah's grandma Hutt "Betty Lee", 
and Effie, who is holding baby Neenah, 
and Aubrey.

Betty Lee Broun Hutt

Betty Lee Broun

Betty Lee Broun (Judith Elizabeth) was Neenah's grandmother.  She was born August 21, 1844 and died March 31, 1922.  

Betty's parents were:  William Waters Broun
(8/27/1808-2/16/1872) and Jane Hunton Broun. William's parents: Thomas Broun and Elizabeth Lee (dghtr of Charles Lee & Sarah Hull)

Betty was the wife of Charles Warren Hutt and mother of 5:  
  - Hallie Hutt Marshall
  - Neenah McClannahan Hutt Omohundro
  - Robert Emmett Hutt (died at 3 months of age)
  - C W Hutt Jr (died at 7 years of age)
  - Effie Roberta Hutt Felton

Tilden Samuel Felton

Our grandfather, Tilden, and his twin brother, Hendrix, were born on August 24, 1876.  He and Effie Roberta Hutt were married on Nov. 7, 1906.  Tilden was named after Samuel Jones Tilden, a governor of New York and presidential nominee in 1876.  Growing up, it was his responsibility or "job" to hunt for the family and, when older, belonged to a hunt club.  He was a captain of a dredge. He worked for the Navy Yard in Charleston, South Carolina for about four years.  (In this photo, Tilden is the man sitting.)

Effie Roberta Hutt

Effie (Neenah's mother) was born July 6, 1884 and died Oct. 4, 1944.  She was the daughter of Elizabeth Lee Broun ("Betty Lee") and Charles Warren Hutt.  It is through Betty Lee that our family is connected to the Lees - the Cobbs Hall Line.  Her father, who I'll write more about later, was a Civil War soldier, who fought at Gettysburg on July 5, 1863.  He was captured and a prisoner at Point Lookout, Maryland until Feb 13, 1865.  Do not know alot about Effie.  Mom would say what beautiful hair she had, auburn color, I believe.  Also, guess what Effie would carry around in her apron pocket?   A kitten.  Hope others will add anything they remember being told about her.

Neenah Felton

Our mother (grandmother and gg) was born at the Arlington, Virginia family home on Taylor Street on March 22, 1917 to Effie Roberta (Hutt) Felton and Tilden Samuel Felton.  Her brother, Aubrey, was 9 years old.

Family history

All of my life I have been curious about the past, as a small child asking my mother "Where did you live?", "Where is your house?" and many more.  On visits to my grandmothers farm, one of the first things I'd do was head for her trunk of treasures - old photographs.  Still I enjoy the search of family histories and learning more about the people who came before us.

"You might be.... "  
       genealogically-challenged   IF  
             you don't know your grandparents' names.  
Quickly!    Yep, I thought so. 
If you're stuck, you need to be here.